Yards of the main campus of St. Petersburg University

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City: Saint-Petersburg.

Added by: Арсений, 11.12.2010 at 16:12.

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Yards of the main campus of St. Petersburg University

For yandex with love
Rating:  + 45 (44 votes)
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Several monuments from these yards are already available on the site, but in my opinion it will be useful to make a single section on the site to post everything about the interesting objects within the University’s territory. In order to make it easier to navigate, I’ve posted the map from the official website of the University and my own plan.

Explanations for my plan: blue arrows indicate the ways to get to the territory of the campus:

  1. From Andrei Sakharov Square (the gates were open there, but we were not allowed and they sent us to the entrance
  2. The main entrance from Mendeleyevskaya. There is a turnstile there, but people say that it is possible to say that you go to the personnel department or to someone of the students, and then you will be admitted. We did not know that, and we were told that to get to the yard of the Department of Philology we should go through its checkpoint (4).
  3. The entrance from the embankment. There were two men standing beside the entrance – again they sent us to 4.
  4. The entrance through the Department of Philology. At the turnstile we were told that since September the entrance to the yard of the Department of Philology is restricted, but also there we met a woman who having heard this went with us and led us through the entrance 2.

Thus, the conclusion: it is useless to say that you want to get into the yard to see the monuments; it will be way better to say that you go to the personnel department or just ask someone to help you get into. By the way, when we were going out through the entrance 1, nobody was there, so perhaps it is possible to get into the territory through this. The red line marks the route how to get into the yard of the Department of Philology. The numbers on the pink background mark:

  1. The monument to the cat.
  2. The yard of the House of 12 Boards.
  3. The yard between the Building of the Palm Game and the Department of Philology.
  4. The yard of the Department of Philology.
...read more (3519 symbols) >>

Address: 7-9-11 Universitetskaya embankment.

How to reach: from Gostiny Dvor metro station either by trolley 1, 10 or by bus 7.

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Tags: в реестредвор со скульптурами

Yards of the main campus of St. Petersburg University
Yards of the main campus of St. Petersburg University For yandex with love
Yards of the main campus of St. Petersburg University
Yards of the main campus of St. Petersburg University For yandex with love
Yards of the main campus of St. Petersburg University
Yards of the main campus of St. Petersburg University For yandex with love
Yards of the main campus of St. Petersburg University
Yards of the main campus of St. Petersburg University For yandex with love
(no title)
(no title) For yandex with love
Yards of the main campus of St. Petersburg University
Yards of the main campus of St. Petersburg University For yandex with love
Yards of the main campus of St. Petersburg University
Yards of the main campus of St. Petersburg University For yandex with love
Yards of the main campus of St. Petersburg University
Yards of the main campus of St. Petersburg University For yandex with love
Yards of the main campus of St. Petersburg University
Yards of the main campus of St. Petersburg University For yandex with love
Yards of the main campus of St. Petersburg University
Yards of the main campus of St. Petersburg University For yandex with love
(no title)
(no title) For yandex with love
Yards of the main campus of St. Petersburg University
Yards of the main campus of St. Petersburg University For yandex with love
Yards of the main campus of St. Petersburg University
Yards of the main campus of St. Petersburg University For yandex with love
Yards of the main campus of St. Petersburg University
Yards of the main campus of St. Petersburg University For yandex with love
Yards of the main campus of St. Petersburg University
Yards of the main campus of St. Petersburg University For yandex with love
Yards of the main campus of St. Petersburg University
Yards of the main campus of St. Petersburg University For yandex with love
Yards of the main campus of St. Petersburg University
Yards of the main campus of St. Petersburg University For yandex with love
Yards of the main campus of St. Petersburg University
Yards of the main campus of St. Petersburg University For yandex with love
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(no title) For yandex with love
Yards of the main campus of St. Petersburg University
Yards of the main campus of St. Petersburg University For yandex with love
(no title)
(no title) For yandex with love
Yards of the main campus of St. Petersburg University
Yards of the main campus of St. Petersburg University For yandex with love
Yards of the main campus of St. Petersburg University
Yards of the main campus of St. Petersburg University For yandex with love
Yards of the main campus of St. Petersburg University
Yards of the main campus of St. Petersburg University For yandex with love
Yards of the main campus of St. Petersburg University
Yards of the main campus of St. Petersburg University For yandex with love
Yards of the main campus of St. Petersburg University
Yards of the main campus of St. Petersburg University For yandex with love
Yards of the main campus of St. Petersburg University
Yards of the main campus of St. Petersburg University For yandex with love
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(no title) For yandex with love
Yards of the main campus of St. Petersburg University
Yards of the main campus of St. Petersburg University For yandex with love
Yards of the main campus of St. Petersburg University
Yards of the main campus of St. Petersburg University For yandex with love
Yards of the main campus of St. Petersburg University
Yards of the main campus of St. Petersburg University For yandex with love
Yards of the main campus of St. Petersburg University
Yards of the main campus of St. Petersburg University For yandex with love
(no title)
(no title) For yandex with love
Yards of the main campus of St. Petersburg University
Yards of the main campus of St. Petersburg University For yandex with love
Yards of the main campus of St. Petersburg University
Yards of the main campus of St. Petersburg University For yandex with love
Yards of the main campus of St. Petersburg University
Yards of the main campus of St. Petersburg University For yandex with love
(no title)
(no title) For yandex with love
Yards of the main campus of St. Petersburg University
Yards of the main campus of St. Petersburg University For yandex with love
Yards of the main campus of St. Petersburg University
Yards of the main campus of St. Petersburg University For yandex with love
Yards of the main campus of St. Petersburg University
Yards of the main campus of St. Petersburg University For yandex with love
(no title)
(no title) For yandex with love
Yards of the main campus of St. Petersburg University
Yards of the main campus of St. Petersburg University For yandex with love
Yards of the main campus of St. Petersburg University
Yards of the main campus of St. Petersburg University For yandex with love
Yards of the main campus of St. Petersburg University
Yards of the main campus of St. Petersburg University For yandex with love
(no title)
(no title) For yandex with love
Yards of the main campus of St. Petersburg University
Yards of the main campus of St. Petersburg University For yandex with love
Yards of the main campus of St. Petersburg University
Yards of the main campus of St. Petersburg University For yandex with love
Yards of the main campus of St. Petersburg University
Yards of the main campus of St. Petersburg University For yandex with love
(no title)
(no title) For yandex with love
Yards of the main campus of St. Petersburg University
Yards of the main campus of St. Petersburg University For yandex with love
(no title)
(no title) For yandex with love
Yards of the main campus of St. Petersburg University
Yards of the main campus of St. Petersburg University For yandex with love
(no title)
(no title) For yandex with love
Yards of the main campus of St. Petersburg University
Yards of the main campus of St. Petersburg University For yandex with love
(no title)
(no title) For yandex with love
Yards of the main campus of St. Petersburg University
Yards of the main campus of St. Petersburg University For yandex with love
(no title)
(no title) For yandex with love
Yards of the main campus of St. Petersburg University
Yards of the main campus of St. Petersburg University For yandex with love
(no title)
(no title) For yandex with love
Yards of the main campus of St. Petersburg University
Yards of the main campus of St. Petersburg University For yandex with love
Yards of the main campus of St. Petersburg University
Yards of the main campus of St. Petersburg University For yandex with love
Yards of the main campus of St. Petersburg University
Yards of the main campus of St. Petersburg University For yandex with love
(no title)
(no title) For yandex with love
Yards of the main campus of St. Petersburg University
Yards of the main campus of St. Petersburg University For yandex with love
(no title)
(no title) For yandex with love
Yards of the main campus of St. Petersburg University
Yards of the main campus of St. Petersburg University For yandex with love
Yards of the main campus of St. Petersburg University
Yards of the main campus of St. Petersburg University For yandex with love
Yards of the main campus of St. Petersburg University
Yards of the main campus of St. Petersburg University For yandex with love
Yards of the main campus of St. Petersburg University
Yards of the main campus of St. Petersburg University For yandex with love
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Арсений, (11.12.2010 at 16:23) 1
— Двор 3
Yards of the main campus of St. Petersburg University(no title)Yards of the main campus of St. Petersburg UniversityYards of the main campus of St. Petersburg UniversityYards of the main campus of St. Petersburg UniversityYards of the main campus of St. Petersburg UniversityYards of the main campus of St. Petersburg UniversityYards of the main campus of St. Petersburg University

Арсений, (11.12.2010 at 16:29) 3
— Таблички двора филфака
Yards of the main campus of St. Petersburg UniversityYards of the main campus of St. Petersburg UniversityYards of the main campus of St. Petersburg UniversityYards of the main campus of St. Petersburg UniversityYards of the main campus of St. Petersburg UniversityYards of the main campus of St. Petersburg UniversityYards of the main campus of St. Petersburg UniversityYards of the main campus of St. Petersburg University

Андрей-1, (11.12.2010 at 16:32) 3
— Спасибо, Арсений. Действительно, на сайте не продумана система групп памятников, архитектурных ансамблей и тп. С одной стороны каждый памятник должен иметь свою страницу, потому что часто ищется именно он. С другой стороны нет связи с другими памятниками группы.

Арсений, (11.12.2010 at 16:40) 3

(no title)(no title)(no title)(no title)(no title)(no title)(no title)(no title)(no title)(no title)(no title)(no title)(no title)Yards of the main campus of St. Petersburg University(no title)(no title)

lg, (11.12.2010 at 20:09) 6
— Можно на проходной филфака сказать, что идешь в книжный салон и пускают.

Надежда*, (12.12.2010 at 11:02) 5
— Арсений, вы большой молодец! Гораздо интересней смотреть фото с места событий и читать живые пояснения. Жизнь состоит из впечатлений- тем больше видишь и узнаешь, тем богаче жизнь.

Андрей-1, (12.12.2010 at 13:16) 0
— Памятник снегу)

Арсений, (20.12.2010 at 17:41) 0
— Снег часто изменяет памятники очень сильно, например боа у Ахматовой получилось очень даже ничего

Машка-Ёжка :), (25.03.2011 at 12:48) 1
— если Вы со внешностью студента, то у ворот со стороны пл.ак.Сахарова можно сказать, что забыли студенческий. Кроме того, насколько мне известно, пропуском может служить любой документ, удостоверяющий личность. Я когда забываю свой пропуск хожу через Сахарова... Иногда достаточно сделать умное лицо и сказать охраннику "здравствуйте" .-)

Машка-Ёжка :), (25.03.2011 at 12:49) 1
— а вот через филфак - страшное дело ходить, по-моему. Там тётеньки уж очень придирчивые - они даже студенческие иногда изучают на предмет ВУЗа - мало ли, кто-то из другого ВУЗа хочет к нам... или на фотографию смотрят...

admin, (25.03.2011 at 20:05) 0
— Машка-Ёжка :),да, на филфаке обычно самая строгая отсортировка.

Darho, (31.03.2011 at 22:40) 1
— а вот еще несколько летних фото
Yards of the main campus of St. Petersburg UniversityYards of the main campus of St. Petersburg UniversityYards of the main campus of St. Petersburg UniversityYards of the main campus of St. Petersburg UniversityYards of the main campus of St. Petersburg UniversityYards of the main campus of St. Petersburg UniversityYards of the main campus of St. Petersburg UniversityYards of the main campus of St. Petersburg UniversityYards of the main campus of St. Petersburg UniversityYards of the main campus of St. Petersburg UniversityYards of the main campus of St. Petersburg UniversityYards of the main campus of St. Petersburg UniversityYards of the main campus of St. Petersburg UniversityYards of the main campus of St. Petersburg UniversityYards of the main campus of St. Petersburg UniversityYards of the main campus of St. Petersburg UniversityYards of the main campus of St. Petersburg UniversityYards of the main campus of St. Petersburg UniversityYards of the main campus of St. Petersburg University

"Не могу молчать!", (31.03.2011 at 22:57) 0
— Ах, какой звонкий солнечный денек на фото! Оказывается, газоны поливают...

Darho, (04.04.2011 at 18:28) 0
— кстати, легко попасть в период вступительной компании, просто на проходной говоришь, что документы подавать. Главное, не примелькаться ))

GALI, (24.05.2011 at 23:11) 3
— Хочу добавить скульптуру воробья она очень маленькая расположена на лестничном пролете в здании филфака.
С очень интересным подтекстом:
Это воробей. Он олицетворяет известную поговорку "Слово не воробей, вылетит - не поймаешь", которая на филфаке звучит так: "Слово не поймаешь - вылетит, как воробей".
Yards of the main campus of St. Petersburg University

ПАВ, (24.05.2011 at 23:29) 0
— Что-то я на карте синих стрелок не нашел )))

Не могу м., (24.05.2011 at 23:40) 0
— ниже карты называется "Моя схема":)) Думаю, уже и сами нашли )))

GALI, (25.05.2011 at 00:52) 0
— Фото сделано 30 апреля 2010г.
Yards of the main campus of St. Petersburg University

Не могу молчать, (25.05.2011 at 06:24) 0
— ну, и как же дворы НЕ ЗАКРЫВАТЬ? Конечно,у филологов на такое... рука бы не поднялась...Товарищи, КТО взял?! Верните обратно!

, (26.06.2011 at 16:28) 0
— Подскажите пожалуйста, когда через проходную филфака пройдёшь, станет ясно, куда дальше сворачивать?) Не у злобных тётенек же спрашивать)

Не могу молчать, (26.06.2011 at 18:52) -1
— А никуда и не надо сворачивать- просто надо прямо пройти все время к двери во двор. Двор сразу за дверью)))А спросить можно у многочисленного народа- молодого и веселого, студенток, в основном))). А бабулечка абсолютно незлобная,такая ухоженная питерская бабулечка-интеллигент, надо только подобрать веские аргументы )))

Vadim, (11.08.2011 at 11:26) 0
— GALI, немного не так фраза звучит. "Слово не поймаешь - вылетИШЬ, как воробей")))
Yards of the main campus of St. Petersburg University

Vadim, (11.08.2011 at 11:31) 1
— вот еще пара фоток. не памятники, но любопытные места, которые до кучи к памятникам можно осмотреть. знаменитый километровый коридор в здании 12 коллегий (по нему, по легенде, Пётр Меньшикова палкой гонял) и ребро здания, на котором студенты скалолазанием занимаются.
Yards of the main campus of St. Petersburg UniversityYards of the main campus of St. Petersburg University

Vadim, (11.08.2011 at 11:42) 1
— Этих вроде тут еще не выкладывали. Бегемотиха (по-моему, Тоня, точно не помню) и Ромео с Джульеттой. У влюбленных подчеркнутые половые органы. чтоб не перепутали, кто из них кто (так провожатая объясняла). У бегемотихи надо подержаться за ухо, и тогда появится возлюбленный (возлюбленная). Мужчинам - за левое, женщинам - за правое.

Вообще там нужно кого-то с филфака уговаривать поводить, т.к. практически с каждым памятником связаны всякие приметы и истории. например, сделанный вполне с благородной целью памятник репрессированным зовут в народе "Разорванная жопа"
Yards of the main campus of St. Petersburg UniversityYards of the main campus of St. Petersburg University

lg, (25.08.2011 at 17:05) 1
— 15 июня во дворике был открыт еще один памятник ирландскому поэту-романтику Томасу Муру. Интересная композиция Дмитрия Каминкера: гранитный трилистник с разбросанными словами из стихотворения "Вечерний звон"(широко известного в России в переводе И.Козлова) в центре которого условное изображение головы из бронзы.
Yards of the main campus of St. Petersburg UniversityYards of the main campus of St. Petersburg UniversityYards of the main campus of St. Petersburg University

Галина, (13.09.2011 at 22:19) 0
— статья интересная, но было бы лучше, если бы автор был более беспристрастен в выражении своих эмоций относительно самих памятников. Покоробило высказывание о Гефсиманском саде: "какое-то отношение к новому завету", "несколько невразумитильных фигур" (орфографию автора сохраняю). Стыдитесь, милейший.

Филологиня, (11.11.2011 at 21:52) 4
— Увы и ах,но Бродский теперь отсутствует( Нехороший люди сбили сей памятник машиной.

Не могу молчать, (11.11.2011 at 22:10) -5
— туда и дорога... Моими молитвами. Отвратный памятник. Филологиня, неужели Вы - с таким ником - жалеете?!

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