Alexey Berensen the potter

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City: Saint-Petersburg.

Added by: dilidon, 26.05.2011 at 00:08.

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Alexey Berensen the potter

For yandex with love
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Where magicians could be found? I say, there’s one on Basil Island. Perhaps, you’ve even met him – either in Ethnographic museum or in Lenexpo and Andreevsky market. I’m glad to introduce the potter Alexey Berensen, National Master of Russia. He’s got the capable hands, artistic attitude towards a newly-acquired job (he’s started doing pottery only after 30), the multiple interests, the openness to all new, scientific work, Tai chi chuan martial art, etc – you can tell this and much more about the Master. Alexey Kazimirovich has developed his own unique method of teaching pottery. Practically every workshop visitor who’s older than 5 can make his inimitable piece of art together with Alexey and after that take it home. You can find more information about the pottery workshop over here

You can surf the web for even more detailed information (there’s their official website somewhere)

Address: 83 Bolshoy pr. of Vasilievsky Island (Basil Island).

How to reach: by any public transport from Vasileostrovskaya metro station.

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Tags: мастер-умелец

Alexey Berensen the potter
Alexey Berensen the potter For yandex with love
Alexey Berensen the potter
Alexey Berensen the potter For yandex with love
Alexey Berensen the potter
Alexey Berensen the potter For yandex with love
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Андрей-1, (26.05.2011 at 00:38) 0
— dilidon, умеете вы заражать!

dilidon, (26.05.2011 at 00:52) 0
— Что вы, "Сижу, никого не трогаю, примус починяю"... (так, мелкие провокации )

1 comments of flood. Do you want to read?

Алексей, (27.05.2011 at 01:04) 0
— Если не ошибаюсь, моя жена работала с Беренсеном в экспедиции на БАМе в 1979 г. - он тогда занимался гидрологией и его фотография была на 1 - й странице "Комсомольской правды" - в репортаже об освоении БАМа.

dilidon, (29.05.2011 at 00:12) 1
— Алексей, такой факт биографии у Вашего тезки был. Как интересно - встретился на сайте автор стенной росписи , нашелся орел с решетки на Дворцовой, теперь еще через десятилетия могут коллеги повстречаться

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