Graffiti under the railway bridge next to Ladozhsky station

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City: Saint-Petersburg.

Added by: The_Wewbr, 13.08.2011 at 01:11.

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Graffiti under the railway bridge next to Ladozhsky station

For yandex with love
Rating:  + 26 (26 votes)
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Graffiti under the railway bridge at Ladozhskaya metro station.

July 2011. A wall under the railway bridge at the beginning of Kosygina prospect having been dull and painted with some weird graffiti has suddenly become pink. Pure pink. Later on the contours of future picture has begun to show. I saw two persons being painting the wall, but perhaps there were more artists - in any case they did a great job – there have appeared on the wall children, swans, Peter the Great bridge, Smolny Cathedral, the mill on Obvodny channel, coat of arms, the city map ... and it really doesn’t matter who carried out this job and who if any ordered it.

Comparing to what was on the wall previously the picture is splendid. Unfortunately the beauty of the graffiti has been corrupted, since several days later on some scriptures have begun to appear on it.

Address: Kosygina prospect.

How to reach: Ladozhskaya metro station.

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Tags: граффити на мостуграффити с видом города

Graffiti under the railway bridge next to Ladozhsky station
Graffiti under the railway bridge next to Ladozhsky station For yandex with love
Graffiti under the railway bridge next to Ladozhsky station
Graffiti under the railway bridge next to Ladozhsky station For yandex with love
Graffiti under the railway bridge next to Ladozhsky station
Graffiti under the railway bridge next to Ladozhsky station For yandex with love
Graffiti under the railway bridge next to Ladozhsky station
Graffiti under the railway bridge next to Ladozhsky station For yandex with love
Graffiti under the railway bridge next to Ladozhsky station
Graffiti under the railway bridge next to Ladozhsky station For yandex with love
Graffiti under the railway bridge next to Ladozhsky station
Graffiti under the railway bridge next to Ladozhsky station For yandex with love
Graffiti under the railway bridge next to Ladozhsky station
Graffiti under the railway bridge next to Ladozhsky station For yandex with love
Graffiti under the railway bridge next to Ladozhsky station
Graffiti under the railway bridge next to Ladozhsky station For yandex with love
Graffiti under the railway bridge next to Ladozhsky station
Graffiti under the railway bridge next to Ladozhsky station For yandex with love
Graffiti under the railway bridge next to Ladozhsky station
Graffiti under the railway bridge next to Ladozhsky station For yandex with love
Graffiti under the railway bridge next to Ladozhsky station
Graffiti under the railway bridge next to Ladozhsky station For yandex with love
Graffiti under the railway bridge next to Ladozhsky station
Graffiti under the railway bridge next to Ladozhsky station For yandex with love
Graffiti under the railway bridge next to Ladozhsky station
Graffiti under the railway bridge next to Ladozhsky station For yandex with love
Graffiti under the railway bridge next to Ladozhsky station
Graffiti under the railway bridge next to Ladozhsky station For yandex with love
Graffiti under the railway bridge next to Ladozhsky station
Graffiti under the railway bridge next to Ladozhsky station For yandex with love
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Дмитрий, (14.08.2011 at 10:34) 1
— Спасибо за фото. ЖИву рядом не увидел.
ДА уродов хватает везде. С чёрными маркерами и корявыми почерками. Испоганить может каждый,а вот так Красиво нарисовать не всем дано !!!

admin, (14.09.2011 at 18:24) 2
— Вообще все эти выкрики про продажность и правда странны. Люди делают то, что им нравится - рисуют (не политика ведь, для души). И делают это хорошо. И им, возможно, за это даже деньги платят.
А кто-то обделён, и кракозябрит.

Rastov, (04.10.2011 at 16:34) 3
— К огромному сожалению в нашей стране срут всё особо не вдаваясь в подробности техники и потраченных сил и времени. Это относится как к живописи, так и музыке - моя позиция такова - если хочешь выразить мнение, будь ты школота или здравомыслящий человек, то и вписал бы своё мнение в эту картину органично и качественно, чтобы визуально была опозиция, но искусство сохранилось, а просто коряво перечеркнуть - это удел слабых необразованных людей. Вы так и будете отставать непродажное графити за не умением рисовать стоящие вещи той же техникой. Мне очень обидно - графити посвящённое городу меня безумно радовало!

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zefirka, (21.11.2011 at 12:09) 1
— очень обидно!ездила раньше на работу мимо этого граффити...исчезало действительно прямо на глазах.

ан йух, (10.04.2012 at 20:28) -3
— ну и правельно,это хоф.Там долго рисунки не висят.Тем более свободным художникам места нету.Уж лутше там чем по вашим окном.

Ло, (01.08.2012 at 23:18) 1
— загадили уже столь красивое граффити, сволочи...

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