The Peace Bell
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Added by: Валерий-1, 27.07.2011 at 23:56.
The monument was unveiled on August 9, 1988. This is a copy of a famous monument by Matsuoka Kunita. The monument is dedicated to the memory of the victims of the atomic bombing of Japanese cities Hiroshima and Nagasaki by the Americans. It is a gift of Nagasaki to the Leningrad city. In return Leningrad presented Japan with the sculpture of the Mother and the Child by M. Anikushin, which was placed in the Peace Park in Nagasaki. The inscription on the monument reads:
"Beat the bell of Nagasaki!
Beat the bell of Nagasaki!
On the terrible and meaningless A-bomb
bereaved us of loved ones
and of our health.
Toll the bell of Nagasaki!
Toll the bell of Nagasaki!
And carry our prayers all over the world! "
Address: the Park n. a. Sakharov.
How to reach: after taking the bus 102 from Akademicheskaya metro station have a little walk across the park.
The Peace Bell For yandex with love |
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