Oranienbaum experiment. Paragon or the Arts dispute

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City: Saint-Petersburg.

Added by: dilidon, 28.07.2011 at 21:58.

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Oranienbaum experiment. Paragon or the Arts dispute

For yandex with love
Rating:  + 29 (29 votes)
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Alexander Taratynov, a famous Russian artist, a corresponding member of Russian Academy of Arts, living in Holland at the moment, in his project “3D Painting” suggests a play variant of forming a work of art. In Oranienbaum park there is also the first 3D work “3D Novhnoi Dozor” and other works. Very unusual and attractive. I advise you to go there.

Address: Petrodvortzovyi district, Lomonosov town .

How to reach: from the railway station on foot.

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Tags: картинавоины

Oranienbaum experiment. Paragon or the Arts dispute
Oranienbaum experiment. Paragon or the Arts dispute For yandex with love
Oranienbaum experiment. Paragon or the Arts dispute
Oranienbaum experiment. Paragon or the Arts dispute For yandex with love
Oranienbaum experiment. Paragon or the Arts dispute
Oranienbaum experiment. Paragon or the Arts dispute For yandex with love
Oranienbaum experiment. Paragon or the Arts dispute
Oranienbaum experiment. Paragon or the Arts dispute For yandex with love
Oranienbaum experiment. Paragon or the Arts dispute
Oranienbaum experiment. Paragon or the Arts dispute For yandex with love
Oranienbaum experiment. Paragon or the Arts dispute
Oranienbaum experiment. Paragon or the Arts dispute For yandex with love
Oranienbaum experiment. Paragon or the Arts dispute
Oranienbaum experiment. Paragon or the Arts dispute For yandex with love
Oranienbaum experiment. Paragon or the Arts dispute
Oranienbaum experiment. Paragon or the Arts dispute For yandex with love
Oranienbaum experiment. Paragon or the Arts dispute
Oranienbaum experiment. Paragon or the Arts dispute For yandex with love
Oranienbaum experiment. Paragon or the Arts dispute
Oranienbaum experiment. Paragon or the Arts dispute For yandex with love
Oranienbaum experiment. Paragon or the Arts dispute
Oranienbaum experiment. Paragon or the Arts dispute For yandex with love
Oranienbaum experiment. Paragon or the Arts dispute
Oranienbaum experiment. Paragon or the Arts dispute For yandex with love
Oranienbaum experiment. Paragon or the Arts dispute
Oranienbaum experiment. Paragon or the Arts dispute For yandex with love
Oranienbaum experiment. Paragon or the Arts dispute
Oranienbaum experiment. Paragon or the Arts dispute For yandex with love
Oranienbaum experiment. Paragon or the Arts dispute
Oranienbaum experiment. Paragon or the Arts dispute For yandex with love
Oranienbaum experiment. Paragon or the Arts dispute
Oranienbaum experiment. Paragon or the Arts dispute For yandex with love
Oranienbaum experiment. Paragon or the Arts dispute
Oranienbaum experiment. Paragon or the Arts dispute For yandex with love
Oranienbaum experiment. Paragon or the Arts dispute
Oranienbaum experiment. Paragon or the Arts dispute For yandex with love
Oranienbaum experiment. Paragon or the Arts dispute
Oranienbaum experiment. Paragon or the Arts dispute For yandex with love
Oranienbaum experiment. Paragon or the Arts dispute
Oranienbaum experiment. Paragon or the Arts dispute For yandex with love
Oranienbaum experiment. Paragon or the Arts dispute
Oranienbaum experiment. Paragon or the Arts dispute For yandex with love
Oranienbaum experiment. Paragon or the Arts dispute
Oranienbaum experiment. Paragon or the Arts dispute For yandex with love
Oranienbaum experiment. Paragon or the Arts dispute
Oranienbaum experiment. Paragon or the Arts dispute For yandex with love
Oranienbaum experiment. Paragon or the Arts dispute
Oranienbaum experiment. Paragon or the Arts dispute For yandex with love
Oranienbaum experiment. Paragon or the Arts dispute
Oranienbaum experiment. Paragon or the Arts dispute For yandex with love
Oranienbaum experiment. Paragon or the Arts dispute
Oranienbaum experiment. Paragon or the Arts dispute For yandex with love
Oranienbaum experiment. Paragon or the Arts dispute
Oranienbaum experiment. Paragon or the Arts dispute For yandex with love
Oranienbaum experiment. Paragon or the Arts dispute
Oranienbaum experiment. Paragon or the Arts dispute For yandex with love
Oranienbaum experiment. Paragon or the Arts dispute
Oranienbaum experiment. Paragon or the Arts dispute For yandex with love
Oranienbaum experiment. Paragon or the Arts dispute
Oranienbaum experiment. Paragon or the Arts dispute For yandex with love
Oranienbaum experiment. Paragon or the Arts dispute
Oranienbaum experiment. Paragon or the Arts dispute For yandex with love
Oranienbaum experiment. Paragon or the Arts dispute
Oranienbaum experiment. Paragon or the Arts dispute For yandex with love
Oranienbaum experiment. Paragon or the Arts dispute
Oranienbaum experiment. Paragon or the Arts dispute For yandex with love
Oranienbaum experiment. Paragon or the Arts dispute
Oranienbaum experiment. Paragon or the Arts dispute For yandex with love
Oranienbaum experiment. Paragon or the Arts dispute
Oranienbaum experiment. Paragon or the Arts dispute For yandex with love
Oranienbaum experiment. Paragon or the Arts dispute
Oranienbaum experiment. Paragon or the Arts dispute For yandex with love
Oranienbaum experiment. Paragon or the Arts dispute
Oranienbaum experiment. Paragon or the Arts dispute For yandex with love
Oranienbaum experiment. Paragon or the Arts dispute
Oranienbaum experiment. Paragon or the Arts dispute For yandex with love
Oranienbaum experiment. Paragon or the Arts dispute
Oranienbaum experiment. Paragon or the Arts dispute For yandex with love
Oranienbaum experiment. Paragon or the Arts dispute
Oranienbaum experiment. Paragon or the Arts dispute For yandex with love
Oranienbaum experiment. Paragon or the Arts dispute
Oranienbaum experiment. Paragon or the Arts dispute For yandex with love
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dilidon, (28.07.2011 at 22:17) 1
— Кстати, авторы идеи создания "Мини -города" http://www.etovidel.net/sights/city/saint-petersburg/id/mini_-_gorod
- глава "Газпрома" Алексей Миллер и Александр Таратынов...

ПАВ, (28.07.2011 at 23:29) 0
— Главная идея от Миллера, наверняка заключалась в обещании оплатить идеи Таратынова)))

lg, (29.07.2011 at 18:55) 0
— Говорят, Миллер увидел "Ночной дозор" в Амстердаме, когда он там обитал, у памятника Рембрандту и решил, что Петербургу просто необходимо что-нибудь подобное. Подходящую картину выбрать не смогли, остановились на архитекторах.

Алексей, (08.08.2011 at 20:31) 0
— Переношу сюда фото
Oranienbaum experiment. Paragon or the Arts disputeOranienbaum experiment. Paragon or the Arts disputeOranienbaum experiment. Paragon or the Arts disputeOranienbaum experiment. Paragon or the Arts disputeOranienbaum experiment. Paragon or the Arts dispute

dilidon, (08.10.2011 at 19:22) 1
— Осенью эти фигуры смотрятся как-то иначе - фото от 5 октября
Oranienbaum experiment. Paragon or the Arts disputeOranienbaum experiment. Paragon or the Arts disputeOranienbaum experiment. Paragon or the Arts disputeOranienbaum experiment. Paragon or the Arts dispute

admin, (11.10.2011 at 18:45) 1
— Осенью они как-то античней смотрятся...

dilidon, (22.10.2011 at 09:05) 0
— Разведка сообщила, что экспериментаторы осваивают Царское Село - где-то в районе Адмиралтейства скульптуры размещены. Может кто увидит и новые фото привезет ?

dilidon, (22.10.2011 at 20:30) 1
— Вот из Контакта некоторые фото - автор Дмитрий Этлис. Спасибо ему
Oranienbaum experiment. Paragon or the Arts disputeOranienbaum experiment. Paragon or the Arts disputeOranienbaum experiment. Paragon or the Arts disputeOranienbaum experiment. Paragon or the Arts dispute

Владислав Тарашкевич, (18.06.2012 at 13:25) 0
— Фото июня 2011:
Oranienbaum experiment. Paragon or the Arts disputeOranienbaum experiment. Paragon or the Arts disputeOranienbaum experiment. Paragon or the Arts disputeOranienbaum experiment. Paragon or the Arts disputeOranienbaum experiment. Paragon or the Arts disputeOranienbaum experiment. Paragon or the Arts dispute

Горожанин Александр, (25.07.2013 at 08:33) 0
— [перенесено со страницы "3D-охрана..."]
Oranienbaum experiment. Paragon or the Arts disputeOranienbaum experiment. Paragon or the Arts dispute

mimaxi, (31.08.2013 at 21:27) 0
— [перенесено со страницы "3D-охрана..."] И где только бедные таратыновские гвардйцы уже не побывали. Раньше располагались возле Адмиралтейства.

dilidon, (31.08.2013 at 21:58) 0
— Свеженькое от Таратынова @ Крамского http://www.etovidel.net/sights/city/saint-petersburg/id/skulptura_neizvestnaia

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