The monument to the pilots on Nauki prospect
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Added by: Валерий-1, 27.07.2011 at 22:17.
The monument to the pilots of the Red Banner Baltic was put to the 30th anniversary of the Victory. The monument was designed by architect A. V. Kozhevnikov, artists O. N. Kharlamov and O. Lych. During the war a military airfield called “Grazhdanka” was located in this area. The monument is a rising up concrete path, topped with a complex geometric figure, each side of which is a five-pointed star. The monument was placed in front of the Sovremennik ("Contemporary") cinema. The cinema was built in 1970 to the standard project by the architects V. F. Belov, O. Vasilenko, I. Tregubova, V. Fromzel’ and L. Shimakovsky. The cinema doesn’t operate anymore in this building. In 1998 a casino was opened here and now a restaurant and a nightclub are in the building of the former cinema. The monument itself was renovated in 2009. The cladding of the pedestal was replaced with polished granite and the star was repainted from silver into gold. Then next to the monument there was also put the Wall of the Heroes’ Memory. It was a reinforced concrete wall with the photos of ten Heroes of the Soviet Union, who lived in Kalininsky district. The Wall of the Heroes’ Memory was demolished in 2009 during the works at heating main.
Address: 25 Nauki prospect.
How to reach: 5 minutes’ walk from Akademicheskaya metro station.
The monument to the pilots on Nauki prospect For yandex with love |
The monument to the pilots on Nauki prospect For yandex with love |
The monument to the pilots on Nauki prospect For yandex with love |
The monument to the pilots on Nauki prospect For yandex with love |
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