The monument to the 1st St. Petersburg mayor
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Added by: ПАВ, 18.05.2011 at 19:55.
The monument is informal by the fact that it looks like a grave in the city centre. Gloomy Sobchak, dark stone and a fence. The monument was constructed on the means of Petersburg citizens and Anatolii Sobchak fund. The authors are architect Vyacheslav Bukhaev and sculptor Ivan Korneev. If you go around the monument you’ll find out that the first mayor as well went to Vasilievskii island to die… maybe together with Joseph Brodskii maybe separately, but on the monument there’s no word about Brodskii.
Address: Bolshoi prospect of Vasilievskii island.
How to reach: from “Vasileostrovskaya” metro station 30 min. on foot.
The monument to the 1st St. Petersburg mayor For yandex with love |
The monument to the 1st St. Petersburg mayor For yandex with love |
— Антон, а вот этот дядечка с бородой седой- он, кажется, москвич? Он все время с вами ходит, приезжает каждый раз?
ПАВ, (18.05.2011 at 21:01) 0
— Он петербуржец. А вот тот, что фотографирует (с усами), он москвич.
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