The Monument to the Students and the Teachers of the 1st Medical Institute, died in World War II
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Added by: Валерий-1, 28.08.2011 at 21:51.
I would like to add two more monuments to the doctors that I know. They are not directly related to the memorial To the Military Doctors, which has already been posted on the site. But they are related to one another by the heroism and sacrifice that have always been inherent in the Russian military medics; especially during the Great Patriotic War. It is a memorial to the students and the teachers of the 1st Medical Institute and the Medical Institute of Sanitary and Hygiene.
Since they are located in different places and couldn’t be marked on the map as the same object, I post them as separate items. The monument in front of the 1st Medical Institute (6 Tolstoy street) was opened on November 5, 1987. On a high pedestal there was set a figure of the woman - the goddess of health Hygeia holding the laurel leaves and a cup with a snake in her hands. There is an inscription on the granite pedestal "They died to save the defenders of the Fatherland" and "To the Medics of the Institute”. The author of the monument - sculptor A. K. Krutikov.
Address: 6 Leo Tolstoy street.
How to reach: Petrogradskaya metro station and a few minutes’ walk.
The Monument to the Students and the Teachers of the 1st Medical Institute, died in World War II For yandex with love |
The Monument to the Students and the Teachers of the 1st Medical Institute, died in World War II For yandex with love |
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