The Beatles
ID: Qx475Каждая примечательность имеет на сайте уникальный ID. Есть поиск по ID. Если в тексте комментария указать ID памятника, то программа автоматически превратит его в название - активную ссылку на страницу памятникаCity: Saint-Petersburg.
Added by: truliacherry, 12.05.2010 at 16:59.
It is an addition to John Lennon Street. Black and white Beatles turning into zebra – another work made by creators of stencils “Celebrities”. This stencil was plotted about two years ago during the period of White nights. This kind of art is considered as vandalism, that’s why the creators had some signalmen watching if there were no policemen around ? In course of time the image has faded, but still there is something to see.
Address: Gagarinskaya street/ Gangutskaya street/ Solyanoy backstreet.
How to reach: nearest metro stations are “Nevsky prospect”/ “Chernishevskaya”, sports ground opposite memorial Museum of the Defense and Siege of Leningrad..
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