Exhibition of projects of the monument to Viktor Tsoi

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City: Saint-Petersburg.

Added by: anfeta, 09.02.2011 at 14:51.

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Exhibition of projects of the monument to Viktor Tsoi

For yandex with love
Rating:  + 16 (16 votes)
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These are the monuments which are not yet installed. The most of them will never be settled. The second tour of the competition of projects of the monument to Viktor Tsoi took place in Gekata photographic studio on February 6. Three finalists were defined. The final winner and the place where the monument will stand will be announced later.

Address: Klinsky prospekt 25.

How to reach: "Tehnologichesky institut" underground station, Gekata photographic studio.

Previous versions

Tags: художественная выставкамузыкант

Exhibition of projects of the monument to Viktor Tsoi
Exhibition of projects of the monument to Viktor Tsoi For yandex with love
Exhibition of projects of the monument to Viktor Tsoi
Exhibition of projects of the monument to Viktor Tsoi For yandex with love
Exhibition of projects of the monument to Viktor Tsoi
Exhibition of projects of the monument to Viktor Tsoi For yandex with love
Exhibition of projects of the monument to Viktor Tsoi
Exhibition of projects of the monument to Viktor Tsoi For yandex with love
Exhibition of projects of the monument to Viktor Tsoi
Exhibition of projects of the monument to Viktor Tsoi For yandex with love
Exhibition of projects of the monument to Viktor Tsoi
Exhibition of projects of the monument to Viktor Tsoi For yandex with love
Exhibition of projects of the monument to Viktor Tsoi
Exhibition of projects of the monument to Viktor Tsoi For yandex with love
Exhibition of projects of the monument to Viktor Tsoi
Exhibition of projects of the monument to Viktor Tsoi For yandex with love
Exhibition of projects of the monument to Viktor Tsoi
Exhibition of projects of the monument to Viktor Tsoi For yandex with love
Exhibition of projects of the monument to Viktor Tsoi
Exhibition of projects of the monument to Viktor Tsoi For yandex with love
Exhibition of projects of the monument to Viktor Tsoi
Exhibition of projects of the monument to Viktor Tsoi For yandex with love
Exhibition of projects of the monument to Viktor Tsoi
Exhibition of projects of the monument to Viktor Tsoi For yandex with love
Exhibition of projects of the monument to Viktor Tsoi
Exhibition of projects of the monument to Viktor Tsoi For yandex with love
Exhibition of projects of the monument to Viktor Tsoi
Exhibition of projects of the monument to Viktor Tsoi For yandex with love
Exhibition of projects of the monument to Viktor Tsoi
Exhibition of projects of the monument to Viktor Tsoi For yandex with love
Exhibition of projects of the monument to Viktor Tsoi
Exhibition of projects of the monument to Viktor Tsoi For yandex with love
Exhibition of projects of the monument to Viktor Tsoi
Exhibition of projects of the monument to Viktor Tsoi For yandex with love
Exhibition of projects of the monument to Viktor Tsoi
Exhibition of projects of the monument to Viktor Tsoi For yandex with love
Exhibition of projects of the monument to Viktor Tsoi
Exhibition of projects of the monument to Viktor Tsoi For yandex with love
Exhibition of projects of the monument to Viktor Tsoi
Exhibition of projects of the monument to Viktor Tsoi For yandex with love
Exhibition of projects of the monument to Viktor Tsoi
Exhibition of projects of the monument to Viktor Tsoi For yandex with love
Exhibition of projects of the monument to Viktor Tsoi
Exhibition of projects of the monument to Viktor Tsoi For yandex with love
Exhibition of projects of the monument to Viktor Tsoi
Exhibition of projects of the monument to Viktor Tsoi For yandex with love
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admin, (09.02.2011 at 15:07) 0
— Ух ты чего творится! anfeta, спасибо, столько Цоев сразу! И, кстати, мне больше всего понравился проект с первого фото (на бумаге). А вообще любопытно - такие разные памятники: античные Цои, с арматурами, с телефонами... Кстати, кто-нибудь может разъяснить, почему Цой у телефона стоит? Откуда ассоциации должны идти?

anfeta, (09.02.2011 at 15:18) 0
— Мне третье место кажется самым подходящим памятником.

Надя, (09.02.2011 at 15:25) 0

Из голов - №4 понравилась.

admin - Зайди в телефонную будку, скажи чтоб закрыли дверь в квартире твоей, сними свою обувь, мы будем ходить босяком. Вообще, хорошее начинание.

admin, (09.02.2011 at 15:28) 0

anfeta, на третьем месте непонятно выражение лица.

Надя, хорошо, зайду. Спасибо :-) (странная телефонная будка)

anfeta, (10.02.2011 at 18:08) 0
— а лицо там у половины памятников одинаковое - глаза прикрыты, зубы сжаты, подбородок задран

Татьяна, (10.02.2011 at 23:06) 0
— С телефонной будкой, кстати, "цитата" из фильма "Игла" :)

Эльга, (30.06.2011 at 12:39) 0
— Эх, вот бы и у нас в городе такой памятник поставили...

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