Zaporozhetz having broken the wall
ID: Qx2840Каждая примечательность имеет на сайте уникальный ID. Есть поиск по ID. Если в тексте комментария указать ID памятника, то программа автоматически превратит его в название - активную ссылку на страницу памятникаCity: Saint-Petersburg.
Added by: Kinto_s, 24.07.2011 at 15:13.
Zaporozhetz is not a big car, but rather strong to break the brick wall. Besides, it has already became a part of Russian folklore, so to speak. The “monument” was created just to advertise the car service centre specializing in aerography, but it’s still very nice, colorful and realistic.
Address: Ligovskii prospect.
How to reach: From “Moskovskie vorota” underground station on foot, across the square, down Ligovskii prospect, along the right side. In several hundred meters you could see the Zaporozhetz on the right.
Zaporozhetz having broken the wall For yandex with love |
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